
Salvaging, desoldering practice

I’m still in the process of building my electronics lab. After two years of acquiring test equipment, it will still take some time to get it to a satisfactory level. The measurement capabilities have been extended to electrical quantities such as voltage, current, resistance, impedance, capacitance, inductance and frequency. Unfortunately, I’m reluctant to buy new general-purpose parts like BNC connectors or electrolyte capacitors. Luckily I was able to find some useful components in the dumpster, which is currently my main source of electronics components. The components are still useful and of value. Those were doomed of being thrown away.

I have few days off right now and some spare time to desolder and sort the components. They will be very useful for future my projects! It’s been a while since I’ve been (de)soldering and this takes forever. It’s hard to forget how to solder but if one doesn’t practice, it takes some time to get the muscle memory back.

Everything one needs for desoldering action: JBC CD-2SE soldering station, Keysight U1733C LCR Meter, soldering pump and some pincers and pliers.
Few of the desoldered components which have been saved from the dumpster/landslide.
More work: There is certainly something meditative about desoldering and sorting electronic parts… 😉

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More Tektronix Oscilloscopes in 2022

About 2 weeks ago I traveled through the country in order to pick up – as one may guess – another Tektronix oscilloscope! Who would have thought? This unit was very special: a Tek 7904A with many high-speed plugins such as 7A19, 7A24, 7B92A… just to name a few.

The seller was very kind and showed me more stuff laying around in the basement. There were some vintage instruments on a dusty shelf but the Tektronix R556 dual-beam oscilloscopes really caught my eye. We discussed about the future of some of the test equipment and we agreed to “dispose” it the “proper” way: load it in my car and drive it to a place where it will be treated with love and respect… my apartment! 😉

Those are beefy and heavy… boat anchors… err oscilloscopes 😉

I’m a TEA with somewhat heavy GAS, that’s for sure. But I have never possessed anything like a Tektronix 556 dual beam oscilloscope. Two of them. It was very difficult to carry them around because of its mass of approx. 30 kg per unit. 


Nevertheless, the units made it to my home without problem. Initial visual inspection showed a somewhat pristine condition! Besides dust, all vacuum tubes were present and all knobs/plugins/parts were without any visible damage.

Side view of Tektronix R556 Dual-Beam oscilloscope. Amazing piece of late 1960’s/early 1970’s technology!

I was lucky to get two fitting bezels from Matt@Wellenkino and a proper AC power cord from eBay (type NEMA 5-15R). I’ll have to wait with power-up until order has been restored in my apartment. 😉

The back side of the Tek R556 oscilloscope. It has a standard NEMA 5-15 AC power plug.
Receptacle of a NEMA 5-15R cable.
Waiting for power-up! I’ll have to check the unit first and replace old and leaky electrolytic capacitors before powering this unit up.


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Night Mode Image Quality = meh

I shot some oscilloscope images yesterday with my smartphone and I was really wondering about the bad image quality of the 10 MHz sine wave. Today I tried to repeat the experiment and unfortunately I got the same results. As it seems, the bad image quality is the result of using the “Night Mode” and simultaneous digital zoom-in. The image shot took 5-8 seconds in a motion stabilized environment. However, the heavy compression artifacts are still there.

Night Mode, zoomed out.

Night Mode, zoomed in. Crappy image…

After tinkering around with the camera app, I discovered the “Pro” Mode where the user is in control of camera parameters such as ISO, focus, camera lens and exposure time. The results are much better – sharper image and no compression artifacts. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy S22 with Android 11 operating system.

“Pro Mode”. Selected Tele-Lens, ISO-200 and 4 s exposure time.

The results are comparable to my Nikon D7200. Unfortunately, the workflow from shooting photographs to transferring to the PC is a horror. I’m currently trying to figure out how to shoot quick photographs, process them and upload them as quickly as possible.

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Quick Test

Just writing some text and uploading a picture for testing purposes 😉

10 MHz sine wave. Nothing special.

Unfortunately the quality of this picture isn’t good.

Maybe this is better?

…aaaand hitting that PUBLISH button! Yay!

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Happy New Year 2022

Tek 7904

During the past year and a half, I’ve build my electronics lab. I’m able to measure many electrical quantities like voltage, current, resistance, capacitance, inductance, frequency, spectra and much more. I surely am suffering to the Gear Acquisition Syndrome and I’ve already posted some pictures inside of the TEA-thread (Test Equipment Anonymous) of the EEVBlog. I wasn’t kidding when I posted that I have sold my soul for Tektronix. I’d like to start restoring/repairing/calibrating/maintaining the older Test Equipment in order to do be able to do some exciting electronics projects in the years to come!

After half a decade of changing jobs, cities, apartments, relationships, … — I think it’s time to finally follow my passions and share them with like-minded people 🙂

Happy New Year 2022 and see ya around!

vy 73 de Denis (DH7DN)

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Blog design and further testing

Hello there!

During the past few days I’ve made some progress concerning the design and functionality of this blog. I think I’ll use the current dark theme called “Astra”. Although the “Pro” version of this theme is quite expensive, the functionality is far better than other minimalistic dark themes.

LaTeX and Python code

Let’s test some Python code highlighting. For example…

# Useless code snippet
k = [1, 2, 3]
for i in k:
    print('Hello World!')

And now one famous equation written in \(\LaTeX\)

\( E = mc^2 \)

Alright, this stuff seems to work! 😀

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piwigo Image Gallery

I’m testing some stuff with piwigo, a very nice and easy to use photo gallery written in php.

Let’s see, if the picture is parsed correctly:

Unfortunately, the WordPress Media Library is not suitable for sophisticated photo management. I’m planning to publish high quality photographs of test equipment and repairs.

Another nice picture…

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